Had this happen the other day, A truck in front of me run over some debris in the road. This piece spun around and stood up just as I got to it and it won the fight . So it is back to work
Looks like it took a hard smack to the nose. I'd get an estimate and see what the insurance will pay. May not be worth getting them involved. They always seem to get their money back one way or another. Good luck.
Good question, if it was already on the road he'd have no recourse. Now if it fell out of the truck that would be another story.
Ken, Sorry to see that. That was the only place it hit? It must have been pretty heavy to do that. Glad you are OK! If anything, it does prove to the world that you do get out and drive that car. A lot more than I can say about mine lately ...
I guess I was lucky the piece that I hit looked like a brace for a aftermarket bumper-cover cause there was one in the other line and this thing was the shape of that. It hit the rocker panel in a couple of places and the floor pan but missed the front spoiler and grill