here is the clean up on the back seat. the top of the original was totally rotted it had the textured sofa like covering on rid of the side panels with the kids name and skating rules carved into it and fixed the rear package tray
the search pays off well patience finally paid off for once. found the wheels i have been looking for after weeks of checking the internet and people i know.just a little sign of wear only around the lug nut holes the center caps are not pitted, no curb rash on the edges. 15x7 wheels, caps, and lugs all for 200 just need locks so no one likes them better. and maybe a alarm soon? the discoloration is 5 years of shelf dust in the old boy shop on the warehouse shelves. almost feel guilty he was talking of using them on a 70 1/2 falcon he had sitting in the shop with old craigers on it
Nice score! I always loved those 3/4 vinyl roofs! And power disc brakes to boot! It looks like you rescued it from the clutches of grass and pine-needles just in time! You should change your username to "Lucky"!
updates well stopping long enough for a few SMALL updates got rid of the leaking power steering. replaced it all with complete linkage change with replacement manual parts except for the steering box. forgot how easy power steering made life but not changing my mind! finally washed the thing and put the new shoes on then told neighbor will shot his dog if i catch it using the rims as a bathroom
looked close and can not find any reason for the rust by the high beam switch cowling and window look clean have not removed old panel but torque box below looks & feels solid
heater box when i removed the heater box to check cowling then box for heater leaks box broke in half and not on the seam lucky i had a exceptible box from the 74 i tore down for parts. put the best looking core in it and a good blower that worked and didn't squeal, then cleaned up the case. am not sure what it is with my about the black and red? now just need to get it in.
seat brackets when i got the 77 home and started looking at the seats i did not care for how he mounted the brackets in the inside tracks on the curves of humps and some of them with sheet metal screws. so i started redoing them, turning some of the feet, moving the whole rail on the pass. side, putting reinforcements on the feet, then when i tried to get my big torso in and clubbed me self with the top of the door opening when i couldn't bob low enough, and only had one finger thickness to the headliner i also started to lower them. he had a rail system from a bronco 2 in that had a three tier slide unit i haven't completed this yet but am working on it when time permits till i get finished i better remember to duck low when getting in. also replacing the screws with welded in studs.
Congrats on getting one back together! I really need to scratch up some cash so I can start in on mine before snow flies
moving at this rate i should maybe move this thread to projects because now it is turning into remove fix and re install instead of look what i got so i will look at starting a thread in projects and copy some notes to that