I am looking for some pricing help from Maverick owners in the U.S. I am a Canadian living in Ontario working on a 2 door 1977 Maverick. Today I checked with a local Speedy Glass shop on the availability and pricing on a new windshield for my car. He told me there were three in the Canadian system and then he dropped the bomb - $559.00 plus taxes (15% in Ontario) plus the install. Can any Maverick owners in the U.S. please give me an idea on pricing they have to pay for new Maverick windshields?
I bought a good used windshield from a dismantler for $50 I forget what they cost new around here but I dont think anywhere near $500
I can get them close to wholesale, I'll call the guy Monday and see what he says, last one I bought was less than $200, brand new PPG.