that would be cool but it has been sitting with the hood off for who knows how long before i pull it i'm going to see if i can get it running. the 200 will get better milage then my 250.
so i am a falcon richer in my driveway the motor is locked up. so getting a title for a car that hasn't been licenced in 20 years is pretty easy here in utah. you fill out a few forms, have a police officer verify the vin, and take a bunch of pictures. if the car is worth less then 1000 bucks they basically give you a title as long as it doesn't come up stolen. i already had the local police department run the vin and it came up clean. there is no record of it in the nevada dmv system. i should have a title before the end of the month. boy i love utah. my brother had to do it for a truck a couple years ago. the hood is gone but i have a neighbor who is going to sell me one pretty cheap. yeah the car is pretty origional. it only has one rust spot that i can find in the drivers floor board. should be pretty easy to patch.
Too bad about the engine! The car looks decent! I had a 65 Falcon wagon years ago. 3spd on the tree and a 200 6. I put many miles on that car and actually sold it for more than I bought it for years later! Mine was a 2dr wagon, otherwise it looked like yours. White with a red interior!
More reasons for why it is illegal to sit in an intersection waiting to turn left. Ouch on the car, major ouch. Good looking falcon though.
I know this sounds bad but I have to ask... I know the sheetmetal was in good condition on that car, would you consider selling say the rear quarters and tail light pannel?
yeah mark that would be great. the only sheet metal i want to keep is the floor pans i'll pm you later with my phone number if you don't still have it and we can figure something out. it would help me with the new car. i have some parts i need to get for it.
I've been ticketed for it in 8 states. Blocking an intersection, stopping in an intersection, running a red light, entering an intersection without right of way. Every ticket was different. I just don't enter an intersection until I'm clear to turn left anymore. My favorite was the trifecta ticket: Failure to stop at a yellow light, turning left during a yellow light, obstructing traffic. Went to court told the judge the light was green when I entered the intersection. He asked me if their was oncoming traffic in the intersection when I entered it. I said yes. He banged the gavel guilty, but threw out the failure to stop at least. Googled it. I suppose it's legal some places. Depends on the cop though apparently. Kind of irked one of the places I got a ticket for it I just read its legal there...
wow thats messed up here in utah you enter the intersecition when the light is green and then when the light goes red and intersection is CLEAR you can turn.