I kinda like this one. [nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uamrxlFKi-g&feature=fvwp&NR=1"]1970 Ford Maverick 557 Cubic Inches - YouTube[/nomedia]
That car has a big ugly hood scoop and I just don't really like Mav's with that big of a rear tire, they just look out of proportion..... I did like the custom grille it had though and it did look like some nie workmanship went into it.....
Sure is pretty.. expensive I would had expected it to make a little more power though (jmho) Run it on achohol?
You guys are forgetting Erick-Mav's engine. Not sure where he is horsepower-wise but that blower motor makes quite a bit.
Only been on for a month before winter came but I'll tell ya i just taped the gas after some lady took a really slow turn off of a busy street and it scared the hell out of me.... and i liked it!
I believe Eric is the winner, my lowly old 408 doesn't even make half of that. 642HP is all I could muster. We will certainly see how fast it goes soon, but again I've only gone 9.801 on the old motor..........hoping for just a little faster with the refreshened motor, but not even close to Eric's..........................I'll just keep trying.