Wow! I remember when you picked that car up Bart thats too bad but at least no one was hurt, didnt it have a rear window defroster too?
I am glad that you are ok. I had the same accident in 1988 with a Mustang GT with only 800 miles on it. I to was given the ticket. I went to court and lost. I was also told that moving up into or past the cross walk waiting to turn left is also a ticket but I never herd of anyone getting ticket for this. There was $11,000 damage on my Mustang GT. They fixed it. I sold it. I only had minor scratches and cuts. He hit the right side of my car and when the 1/4 glass shattered some of the glass cut me up some. Good thing there was no one in the passenger seat!! I was on my way to work.
yeah it does have a rear window defroster that i will probly sell. i would like to keep it for the comet but i need the money for my new car. i hope to get some work done cutting up the car the next few days. my wife gave birth to our second child saturday morning and i have been dealing with that the last couple of days. i need to get it out of the garage and get the falcon in.