I heard back from Sam Auxier Jr this morning. I had PM'ed him asking if he knew what ever became of the Mavericks and He said that they both went to N.C. and one was crushed and the other is MIA to this day. Who knows just maybe it is still around laying in wait in some old barn or shed someplace or even better it is still charging the 1/4 in cognito and unknown to it's present owner who it really is. here's hopin'
Sam Auxier Jr Maverick Turns out that I now own the first of 2 Mavericks that Sam raced in 1970. In talking to Sam, he said that My car had the 427 Cammer in it first, then he and Chick took out the cammer and installed it into a second car, and put a 427 Tunnel port in my car, put Chick's name on the door and went racing with both of them. The second car ended up in a junk yard in North Carolina, but mine migrated north to Wisconsin. It went through 9 owners. The guy I bought it from had it for 22 years, and only raced it one of the 22 years. The picture shows how I found it. Great history lesson!
holey crap theres nothing there! theres a roof with windows WOW have you put it back together? or is it
I asked him in person about the car and he told me he hated it and it was crushed after they finished with it...lol That was about 3 years ago, I wanted to find it and bring it back from the dead. Damascus, MD is only an hour from me. Im very glad to see its still around !!!
Sam Auxier Jr Maverick I built and installed a Chris Alston chassis under the car, installed a Cleveland/C6 engine and used the Dana 60 that was under the car when Sam built it. Funnnnn!