apparently the knuckle head who owned my new beautiful 71 grabber before me thought the just removing the power steering pump means you now have a manual steering car. ugh...and now after ive gotten a manual steering center link to finish the job i have come to the discover that there are practically no places that have a manual pitman arm. Does anybody know a remedy to my problem and or the where abouts of a place i can acquire this elusive pitman arm? or am i gonna have to custom fab one for an arm and a leg? I saw this one manual steering adapter by borgeson that replaces the slave pump thingy on the power steering centerlink but i dont know if thats the route i want to go, just doesnt seem right, but it might be my only one. any info will be GREATLY appreciated!!
i made that change a month or two ago i found one on ebay from some company in Florida i think but this was for a 77 not sure if it is the same but sure Craig can fix you up
If you are still looking:
well i did happen to find one from somebody on the boards im just in the process of waiting for it to be delivered.
Hi all, I'm new here and I'm having the exact same issue as described in the original post. My car is in the shop currently while the owner is searching for this part. Can anyone either point me in the direction of one or confirm if the eBay item linked in this tread will work?
If you are converting from power steering to manual steering, you will need the pitman arm and the center link. I have those parts. Email me DIRECTLY (see below) if I can help.