I did this swap in the mid-90s. At that time, this was the way to gain cubes. Stroker motors are so easy now. A 302 based motor drops in these cars. A 351W will be a challenge height-wise, it will be awful exhaust-wise (few choices, mostly small tube headers), and it will even be close to rubbing the oil filter depending on your motor mounts. The exhaust and the upper A-arms want the same space, and the added width of the Windsor is a killer. I have cut my shock towers and that is a big help in getting to the plugs, minor help with the headers, they are still awful. With a 302 based motor, you will have a great selection of intake and exhaust choices. My 351W is still in this car, and if this motor needs more than bearings and rings next pull ... 331 here I come... and given the choice, I would still trim the shock towers. So much easier to work on it.
I am on the " WILL CALL" List for a new set op Crites Headers.. I stuffed a set up swap meet Hooker Headers from a 65 Stang that had a 351w in it.. VERY VERY TIGHT!! Left side rests on the gear box, and the right is tight against the rear upper pivot.. and still need to drop another inch!! LOL!!! I AM GOING TO MAKE THIS WORK!!! I looked at those headers from Crites.. They wrap around the cross member, and suspension..?? I have towers trimmed... The bad thing is i have to trim a little more... The car is painted, and the engine compartment is all painted already..... Add a little more WORK to this project!!! Still looking for that person out there who has tried this set up... I can go with a smaller intake..???? But I dont want to.. Thanks for the help.. Its all great!!
I am running a Performer (non-RPM) intake ... shortest one Edelbrock makes. With a standard air cleaner base, I am through the hood, but I was already with the 302. Comet hood with a scoop that I made functional for the original engine. I tried a drop base, but the one I got won't work with my carb.
It takes a jack and 20 minutes to change the plugs... Really not difficult at all. Could be worse, it could be a B/RB engine Road runner/Charger. Those you have to do from under the car, helps to pull the front wheels off on those...LOL...:16suspect
Thanks for the pic!! Do you have 351 mounts on there?? That motor seems to sit a littlte hight?? Where are the w/washers?? lol!! Is that air cleaner a drop low pro? The problem with that is NO ELECTRIC CHOKE!! I have an A/C setup to put in mine... I hope I can fit it in there!! 100% sleeeeper... Witht the headers i have.. I need to get an oil relocate kit.. I want to throw some pics on here of my car... I want other peoples opinions... I think it has come a long way... I think people ( some people ) will like it.. I seen a 2013 stang the other day... all blacked out.... I think i have a real head turner....???? Just need a few final touches..
Your welcome...:Handshake Plain old maverick 302 mounts/isolators but...The mounts are sitting on mustang frame stands. I dont drive it in the rain. (its a hand full on dry pavement) Wet pavement...LOL... Its a drop base edelbrock 14" Dia set up. I forget the amount of drop but its at least an inch if not an inch and a half. I have a quickfuel 650 dp with electric choke under the filter assembly...No fitment issues. A/C? Not with pent roof rocker covers like mine... Stock height ones and stock brackets...No problem. We love pics!!!
Well.... I guess I better get my ass to work!!! I need to finish welding the towrs up... I already cut and welded them... CUT THEM AGAIN!!!!! I need to weld them again.... thax again for the responce.. i want to get a few inputs on my ride....
??? hey mavman, the unhood shot looks great. could you give me a brief rundown of key parts used to make it fit without cutting towers, motor mounts, headers, etc....? Im in the process of tearing my 302 out for a 351w and keeping the c4 and rebuilt stock front end in place. thanks c.b.
I tried the air-gap a few years back(with a grabber hood) ..it was to tall! I have the regular performer RPM with a 1" spacer and a drop base cleaner off a late 60's BBC and it fits great! About 3/8" to spare...
Thanks! it took ALOT to get it that way... I didnt install it in the car...Some gorilla did. I have had it out twice for various reasons soo, I'll give you what I know...Towers have been smacked with a BFH by said gorrilla. Headers are summit brand (sorry cant remember the PN#) Performer intake with a Quick fuel 650 DP carb with elec choke. Edelbrock drop base 14" dia air filter assy. The engine is sitting on mustang eng stands, not maverick. Has an AOD trans with a cobbled together trans mount by the...Yup, gorrilla. I plan to put one of Franks AOD trans mounts in it eventually but...I have to cut the welded to the pan mess off first. The drive shaft appears to be the original 200/C4 shaft that is original to the car. Hope this helps you out some. A good thread to read is Faceless numbers 351 swap. He did alot of work and documented it for all to see. its a good read and will give you much insight. have fun!!!