Since I last drove my car, I did two things to it. I added a bottle of "water wetter", and I also sprayed a thin coat of oven paint across the front of the radiator to black it out so it isn't so visible behind my billet grille. Today, on the way to and from the car show (60 miles each way), it ran at 175 in traffic, in stop-and-go traffic, and on highway. Then on the way home in mid-to-hi 80s temps, it still only hit 182 in stop and stop traffic for an hour, and then ran 178 on the freeway when traffic lightened up. It used to keep in the 180-190 range with the occasional creep up to 210. Which change do you guys think helped the most?
I had an `89 Bronco II 2.9 v6 and After installing a new radiator and new mechanical water temp guage, I probably drove it a couple thousand miles. I simply added a bottle of water wetter and the temp dropped by 9 degrees when the engine was fully warmed up. Water wetter works.
Nope. Its a coolant additive and their are quite a few varieties of it. It works through science, also black magic maybe, but mostly science.
Water wetter breaks the surface tension of the antifreeeze and water aiding in heat transfer There used to be a additive sold in gallon cans by a performance chemical company that on average dropped coolant temps 15-30*
I don't know the seller, but I liked his advertising.
Water Wetter was good for about 10 degree drop for me too. I also reduced the amoutn of anitfreeze/coolant I used when I put it in. instead of 50/50 it was more like 25/75. Water alone actually cools better then antifreeze. But it dosnt have the corrision protection, freeze potection, or higher boiling point as compared to a 50/50 mix. Water Wetter helps in all these aspects too so a lower amount of antifreeze can be used.
I didn't reduce it that much but mine is now somewhere between 25/75 and 50/50. It REALLY has made a significant difference.
The last disclaimer in the ad is the best. "Hot Girl in Ad NOT included with your shipment & do not mix this Red Bull (I am serious)"
Sounds like you had a good weekend and enjoyed your drive! Yeah, " Water Wetter " just breaks up the surface tension of water. This means that the water actually has more contact to the metal in the cooling system, so more heat transfer takes place. Good stuff! This is not a replacement for antifreeze! For you guys up north remember to change your coolant out for freeze protection!