Ok my 1972 Grabber had no turn signals when I got it, the wiring is there and all but right now the only thing on the front of my car is the fenders and the valence, stone guard and bumper along with the grille are off as is all mounting hardware for those things, what I need to know is where/what do the front under bumper turn signals bolt up too? Do I need to put other stuff on to attach them or what? I looked for a mounting spot and could find none.
couldnt tell you sorry I own a comet and have never even seen a maverick up close but they probably bolt to the splash pan?
On the 70 - 72 small bumper cars the turn signals bolt to the bumper. There should be a slotted tab under the bumper on both sides.
"Need a little direction here......" go about a mile South, turn East and it's on the North side of the street about two blocks down... that help...
Awww crud, I turned West, sorry but that side of my car is the side I have already installed my blinker on, you see I was going North and only had my left side blinker and felt obligated to turn in the direction that I could signal my intentions.
The complete turn signal assembly bolts directly to the bumper. You will see the holes on the bottom of the bumper near the ends. All you need are the turn signals themselves, and the bumpers. No other brackets needed.
Around here you don't pay any attention to turn signals! They either use the wrong one or none at all! I look at the front tires. That's the way it's going to go!!!
As they say in Tennessee. We don't use turn signals because it's none of your business where i'm going
I just figured people don't use their turn signals as an excuse to use the insurance they are forced to pay for.