i have a 71 maverick and my brake light has came on and its leaking around the sensor on my proportion valve...whats the sensor called..
Greetings,... I believe you are referring to the "Brake Pressure Differential Valve Warning Lamp Switch". It is plastic and screws into the brake proportioning valve.
Just a heads-up, fluid should NOT leak from there. The chamber that the switch screws into is sealed on both ends and should be dry. If fluid is leaking from the switch port, the prop valve needs to be rebuilt or replaced. That would be the reason the brake light is on in the first place, replacing the switch won't fix your problem.
Not to argue with such a knowledgable guy.. but I'm thinking that switch is in fact a fluid-type switch.. Not a dry switch. How would it even function in that manner? Anywho. Switches of that design do leak internally from what I've seen through the years and new one should fix you right up. Even though the screw will work.. it's nice to have a light.
It should be dry. The switch follows a detent. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.ucalgary.ca/~csimpson/Tech/Combo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.pro-touring.com/showthread.php?71511-Gutting-a-proportioning-valve&h=367&w=653&sz=45&tbnid=x4QjoiIb2aEenM:&tbnh=78&tbnw=138&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dprop%2Bvalve%2Bcutaway%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=prop+valve+cutaway&usg=__Vt53_SyUJG2AXpjoO90ofUXWZJA=&docid=o98AM4xcoFiO6M&sa=X&ei=UEKNUOGVNKq50AHR4IFI&ved=0CCQQ9QEwAQ&dur=365
and it doesn't control fluid level, but shows whether there is a pressure drop in one of the two circuits. once out of center, they can be a pita to get aligned again.
Seriously? Do you really think a plastic switch housing is designed to hold 2000+ PSI brake pressure?
haha.. mine must be different then. It has a metal threaded body with a plastic top. The few that I've pulled out of other various branded cars had fluid come out of the hole when the switch was removed too. Which required the blleding of brakes afterwards. Dunno.. they must have all been broke too? oops.. my bad. This is a much different switch from what I thought it was. I quickly pulled mine and it is full plastic with a dry bore. The OP must have a broken/leaky valve as you said earlier. Now me takes me foot out of me mouth.