Well good news; The shackles raised the rear of the car about 3/4"-1" Bad news; Made the springs flatten out even more! Also the traction bars touch the springs versus when I put them on before the shackles there was 1/4" of clearance. Tomorrow night I will see how performance has changed. Maybe get some pics up. If I get rid of most of the wheel hop, and make it when 2 people are in the car the driveshaft doesnt hit the tunnel I will be happy enough to drive it daily.
WOW all I can say is WOW! NO wheelhop, No rubbing the tunnel! If the c4 doesnt slip the tires smoke in first and second this thing just got crazy...
I found there is adjustment on the clevis for the assembly so I can adjust it once its close to being together... Now I need to find a good useable T5 which seem to go between 600-700$ around here. A rebuilt is 600-700$ + a 450$ core, or 300$ core. Another few more months I guess. I may just wait until summer again. Get a T5Z and aluminum flywheel new clutch etc. Go for the gustow.
Shoot that is way too far from me. I found one on CL local for 700$ that comes with cnc slave kit and line and wilwood master cyl. for 100$ more can get a hurst shifter with it.
Found another one local he has two. A world class for 400$ or a Tremec T5 for 525$ Looks like the tremec would be a much later model even a aftermarket replacement. Might not have horrible amounts of miles on it...
Missed out on the tremec....have a friend tell me he has "one of those mustang transmissions" in his garage he will bring by next week....Price? FREE. He says it is a t5 for sure. At worst it can be used for a core.
I have a 72 maverick with an inline 6-250 and I'm trying to bolt up the s-rod transmission from a v-8 car, the input shaft on the new transmission is longer and won't bolt up. I read somewhere about an adapter plate, but they cost an arm and a leg, and I want to know it will work before I buy it.