Just bought a alarm that pages the clicker and it starts making a alarm noise Try and steal my car and I won't hesitate to put a few holes in the back window
They also have battery disconnects that use a key to operate. I put one in when I moved the battery to the trunk. While not a true alarm system, it does work as a deterrent. It's even bit me, when I forgot I had turned it off
While we love our Mavericks, I don't think they are a real high on the list for thieves but you never know. A recent article on another forum concerning the theft of a street rod has brought up some questions about how much information you should post on forums about your car and location. The car in question has a detailed thread about it's build and general location. Some people feel this car may have been targeted from the build thread. Some pictures we take with smart phones contain geo-tracking information. I admit technology like this has passed me up, but it's pretty scary to find out that some of our pictures can be decoded and the location of where the pics were taken can be mapped with Google maps. The theory put in simple terms goes like this. You build a car and post a build thread on a forum. The thread reveals what part of the country you're in. The pictures reveal the car and shops location. An "order" is placed by an offshore party. Thieves take the car and that's the last it's seen. Now that's only speculation on the street rod, but there was a rare motorcycle stolen in this fashion. Just something to think about.
I saw that on the HAMB, pretty sad. They can steal my Maverick any time, if they can figure out how to start it in the first place...
I leave the keys in my daily driver. It would take a GD mechanic to start it or get it farther then 2 miles with out it over heating
I just installed a battery cut off switch in my turbo Pinto's rear by the tail light. Not only makes it legal for racing you can remove the red switch and can't start the car. My Maverick will get one too. But I think the LoJack set up is pretty nice. Don't forget they have an app for your smart phone that alerts you when your car is moved without you disarming it. You could conceivably call the cops before it even leaves the parking lot or driveway.
Probably, but I can get in my Comet and just turn the key and drive away. I also just finished all the planning stages for my theft deterrent system. I'm just gonna disable the ignition system. Let them sit and turn the engine over until the battery dies. I figure if they think the car doesn't run they won't wanna steal it.
I know it's an old thread but where's what I did: I installed the pertronix ignition along with the relay. I just take out that relay when I park my car. My driver door doesn't lock as of now so I figure I'll keep somebody puzzled if they try to jump it
That's what I'm saying.. Tracking systems are about the best you can do. Still, there are ways to detect the presence of a tracking system in a vehicle, even handheld devices you can purchase over the internet.. it's no more of a deterrent to a real thief then a locked door. If someone wants your property bad enough, they're going to get it. I have methods of keeping tabs on my vehicles, nothing I care to mention in a public forum though.
I had a bunch of punk kids milling around my maverick last week. They opened my hood even while 2 co workers were near by! When I got there I told them to leave and I was going to call the cops but they just stood there. They didn't care and slowly walked away. Police and helicopter came. Anyway, I bought a trailer hitch lock from pep boys and drilled 2 holes and installed the lock. It's enough to make it harder and move on to another car. Also a small led red blinking light helps $5.00 Go online and read what former car thieves say what they looked for when taking your pride and joy.
ALso know its an old thread but hey, bumpity bump bump. My bike has a big old lock that goes through the wheel and makes it impossible to move. My 300 has an ingition cut off installed under the car in a place only I can find, and its painted black. I usually leave it in, but if Im gonan be in a sketchy place... it comes with me! My comet... it has no wheels
I am the type of person who would without hesitation regardless of the law would pull my hand gun and force them to the ground until police came. Thankfully, I have yet to draw my weapon on anyone.
Ya, wish I lived anywhere but ca. Criminals have more rights than law abiding citizens here. If I used a gun the cops would arrest me and take my gun and my Maverick and give them to the poor affended punks. I always say the youth today have little I.Q. with nothing else to do.