I have already hit my head 4 or so times on the stupid thing. I really want to swap the top and bottom pieces but I doubt it would be worth the time.
I just did it Saturday.....after having worked on these car for 30 years. You would think I would learn.
I did it once..but I'm always scared when people are looking at my car, they come pretty close sometimes.
do you have a part number or a length number for those shocks? those look great! how did you figure out where to mount them? just stick em up there and guess it or did you plan it all out? love your color choice on your car by the way
It's not the latch that gets me. Well ok it did get me that one time when I first got my 71. It's the corners that get me now. The long curved nose and those sharp corners on it. I keep having to pick bloody skin off them.
6'6", I had the hood held back like that broom picture and still managed to whack my head on the corner of the hood. Got a concussion getting into my trunk once too. But, that was because my brother-in-law parked the car right under the crossbeam he put across his gate because he SUCKS at doing things right. I kept telling him to sink the final post deeper than the rest, and he keeps rolling my car under the crossbeam he had to put up. I need my own driveway to work in