Get rid of those Comets and get 2 Mavericks. The corners ain't as sharp. lol I guess I'm glad I'm least in this case.
I'm 5'8" and it still used to gore my scalp open all the time with the factory prop rod. So no, we did not actually just find a silver lining to the cruel curse of shortness.
The silver lining of being short is being able to walk into any store and buy clothes and shoes that fit you, not have to go to specialty stores that have a 25% mark-up over department stores for the same brands in sizes that are geared more towards "big (fat)" and less towards tall. Heck even the shoe store is annoying because 70% of the shoes are too wide. Sorry ranting... just failed to get new work shoes, and have to drive to an even further away specialty store.
I'm lucky, my hood will open almost vertically so I'll tie it open with a rope to a beam in my roof! For checking anything out on the road, I took an orange kids football and cut a slit in it and will stick it over the hood latch! You notice it easily and if you still hit your head, it's a good cushion!