I've never rebuilt an engine before and my knowledge isn't very expansive. I'm looking at rebuilding a302. What are the best books for my purpose? Thanks
Or you can subscribe to Woody's video series. I think he has about 90 videos on the subject. If you aren't familiar with him, he's an engine builder that specializes on small block Fords. http://sbfbuilding.com/
Thanks everyone, my plans for rebuilding a 302 has been postponed for a later date; I'm a student and have a finite amount of money. I'm looking now at a 250 rebuild. I'd like to get as much power out of a 250 as possible on a budget. Any info is greatly appreciated. Also does anyone know where I can get a pumpkin? Mine is knocking like crazy
Its actually cheaper to build a 302 for power if you're worried about budget. There is a much smaller market for the inline 6 stuff so performance parts cost substantially more, whereas 302 performance parts are everywhere and cheap.
What I have read,i noticed that the 302, 289, 250, and the 200 use the same trans; C4. 302s are larger, of course, does there need to be anything special done to the trans for the 302?
you dont have to do anything to the transmission if you plan to keep the 302 stock you will however need a v8 flywheel. the sky is pretty much the limit with the horsepower and transmissions on a 302 it just depends on how much money youre willing to spend. look at the new mustang with the 5.0 theres one I saw in a magazine with over 1000 horse power
The trans used with small displacement engines almost always have less clutches, won't usually last under a high HP/torque application... In this case the 250 trans may be OK for a fairly stock 302, but I'd not trust one from a 200(plus the bellhousing won't interchange anyway)... EDIT Of course by now there are few original C4 left in service, and most rebuilders will upgrade the light duty versions to the higher rated specs, just so they don't have to stock two different versions...
Is your 250 dead? I say drive it til it dies and wait for someone hard up with a 302 laying around. Or if you want a project, you could try and find a 302 block already machined and built. Then just do the rest of it yourself - heads, pushrods, intake, carb, waterpump, alt, ect.. Correct me if I'm wrong - I thought they put the same trans in the 302 and 250 Mav's, but the 200 and bellow had a different C4. There is a TON of info about this on the forum