So I'm eying the possibility of re-installing the AC unit on my 77' Mav. I took the box off and out of the v-belt setup maybe 6 years ago and it's been sitting on the shelf since. I tapped up the ends of the AC lines and tucked them away in the engine bay. So my question is - is there anything I should look at doing to the AC unit before putting it back in to commission since it's been sitting for so long? Seals/gaskets/etc to worry about? Thank you!
Definitely. You do NOT want to be changing the heater core in an AC equipped Maverick later on... And yeah, like 70gold said, this is a good opportunity for upgrades. A cross-flow condenser is a good idea too. Replace the drier and expansion valve as well, consider new lines...
No! Install new lines. Everything else I agree w/in this and previous post. Those old lines are dry-rotted, more than likely. U wud'nt want to do all the work and then have to recharge cuz u kept the old lines, that contaminated the system. After that, U will have to replace them anyway...All the stuff u need can be sourced frm They are gud folks to work w/, customer service 2nd to none in my experience w/ them...There are other sources, but these guys can hook U up...
Good info all, thanks. Yea, most of the stuff was either capped off or pulled out when I decided to pretty much make this car all engine but I'm starting to return the car back to its roots (minus California smog equipment....). Thanks mojo about the lines; didn't think of the dry rot and just the 'oldness' of the lines. I was checking out Classic Auto Air earlier today and it doesn't look like they have a kit for the Maverick so I'll give them a call to see what setups they have available. I've also been looking at those Sanden units 71gold mentioned. This would be a good time to make some upgrades. I also found an earlier post by 71gold about the brackets for the Sanden unit. Looks like I got enough information to go on to start getting the work process going. Thanks!
Give them a call. Ask for Ron. They have everything u need to go under the hood, "EVERYTHING" compressor, hoses, exp. valve "EVERYTHING". U don't have to go all over the place piecing stuff together. I got the entire setup for a hair over $700.00 w/ shipping in Feb 2011. If you don't like what they tell u than there are always other options...
I think it was Steve I talked to earlier today in Texas. He said to look at their online catalog and look for the Perfect Fit Universal Kit and they would help put together the package. They use Sanden units. I got quoted for $1300 without the dash control and $1400 with dash control. I'll need to break this down to see what you get when i leave the office. $700 i could get on board with but I dont know about $1300. Thanks mojo.
Call Ron at the Tampa, FL. site. (813) 215-2356, his extension is 7022. He can set u up. I used the OE dash controls. Everything I have mentioned is for the under hood kit. Why do u need the change controls? Btw: If u decide to go w/ them: ask what number condenser will be included. The first one they sent me was #11-1020, it was not the correct one. Upon contacting him, when I was ready to install it, "4mos." later - they sent me another one - pronto. It was physically to large and return ship label for pickup.