Not real sure that I'm going to make this one. I have something on Nov 3 and I am going to Moultrie on Nov 11. I bought a raffle ticket for an engine run in stand and my name will be drawn as the winner in Moultrie. I never win these things. Heck, I don't even win door prizes at car shows. Still going to Moultrie, though.
I figure out what to do!!!Seeing that on Sunday i wrecked my motorcycle,my wife has decided that i will be home for a week or so.With that I have decided to do it her way since,FOR NOW AT LEAST,she can outrun me and she has my keys.Looks like the warden is coming.I GOT TO GO ,NOW!!!!!!
I will try to catch yall tomorrow, if i can get off work after lunch. The boss has me on ten hour days, I still have to tag and insure the 70 maverick.
Were there many there.I tried to go but i was not unwrapped yet.two or three more days and i think i can get out and move around.(THIS SUCKS). Motorcycles are nice to ride but it stinks when you come off of them.
I have pictures of the swap meet in Perry. None of the crew just parts and art. We had a good, time beautiful weather ,great parts ,and cars for sale. Im going to work today, I will try to upload pics later to night. ............Ok the up load say two pics!
Frank and Patches, Thomas and the Grabber Blue,Thomas's friend and mustang?,Olin cobb,Bob,Sheila and Chelsea Nix. Also our other Macon Ga. member,sorry I cant recall the name right now. Lots of smiles great swap meet! Frank ,patches looks better in person.
I talked to the Guy that did these. he had a project car there also for sale. he said if he had done all that welding on it, then it would have been done...