Just picked up a 72 Grabber Saturday. Not sure how long my wife will let me keep it but Im going to try and enjoy it while I can....Maybe it'll grow on her. I never realized there was so much interest in the old Mavericks. When her and I were dating back in the early 80s I had a 74, she had a 70 and my sister had a 73 all at the same time. Who could have known theyd become as popular as they are now. Anyway, glad to be a part of the forum. I'll be a daily reader
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Got it insured and registered yesterday and even came up with a 1972 plate for it. All that was easy compared to convincing my wife to let me keep it. As fantastic as that woman is, shes just not a car person.
Welcome....Im in raeford...I see your in fayetteville...nice looking ride...wouldnt mind checking yours out if you have the time one day....