I am honored to have joined this forum, so thank you. I have a 1975 Mercury Comet GT I bought for my wife about six months ago (which by the way she doesn't even know I have). I am having a problem locating a gas tank for it. The lady who owned the car left the car sit and the gas went bad, leaving the gas tank with a bunch of crud in it so I figured it would be best to buy another tank. Anyone have suggestions? I have seen postings where other tanks can be used, but then my question is will the sending unit fit the different gas tank. I spent close to $200.00 on the sending unit and I don't have a lot of money to buy another one. Can anyone help me out on this or give me any suggestions. Thanks in advance for any help.
to the site!!!!! The gas tanks for the 74-77's are available form some auto parts stores and on eBay..... It's the early cars they don't make them for.....
I was in the same situation. I had the tank acid dipped at an automotive machine shop. Then bought a quart of tank sealer to slosh around inside. The tank came out looking new inside, and had no leaks. The total cost was less than $100.00.
from Ocala,Florida............... If it's just gummed up take it to a radiator shop and have them clean it... If you want new, Advance Auto Parts or Rockauto.com is a good place to start...