hi guys i just bought a four door maverick and am doing a quick swap to v-8.it had a six with a c-4(which i'm bolting up to for now and hoping its ok) motor mounts i know ,do i need to change the tranny mount and drive shaft and if so what do i need.driving it to florida from ohio friday so not gonna do anything i don't have to at this point.thanks....matt
Drive shaft is the same. Trans crossmember is probably ok unless you're doing dual exhaust. You need the reinforcing "belly bar" under the engine to do it right, but it's not technically required. The C4 bellhousing you have will work as long as your six is a 250. If it's a 200 or 170 you need to at least change the bellhousing. Frame stands, engine mounts, of course suitable accessory brackets, and someone else can confirm this but I believe the V8 and I6 radiators are different.
<p>i planned on dual exhaust so what tranny brace will i need.and whats the belly bar your talking about?thats the first i've heard of that.ans was told the radiators were the same nut if there different i need to pick one up.thanks
There's two C4 crossmembers. One has a single "hump" for exhaust clearance the other is clearanced on both sides. You might not NEED the double-hump crossmember to run duals but I'm not sure how you'd do it otherwise. The "belly bar" is just extra bolt-in crossmember that runs underneath the engine on V8 cars. Like the shock tower braces, you can do without it, but Ford saw fit to include that reinforcement on a car that they pinched every single penny building, so it's probably a good idea. As for the radiator, you can probably make the I6 one work, I've never really looked at one though. The V8 radiator has the lower hose fitting on the driver's side and the upper one opposite from it on the passenger side. If that's how it is on the one you have, it ought to work. As for actually cooling the engine efficiently I can't say.
There's alot of threads about the I6 radiators for V8 cars on here. Many believe the 250 radiator will get you by with a 302, and I believe the smaller I6's used a different radiator. No stoning if I'm wrong... If you go aftermarket radiator ppl recommend Champion brand for our cars. Some have argued that a decent 2-core aluminum will cool better than the 3-core brass. The location of the lower hose opening is something to look out for.
where would you get the double hump crossmember?hey craig i'm coming to your house tomorrow if your home to pick up that back window,have you got one of the double hump crossmembers? and thanks guys really helpfull
I'm sure someone here would have the crossmember, belly bar, frame stands, anything you need. Could post a want ad in the classifieds. And if by "Craig" you happen to mean Craig Selvey, he'd be a good man to ask about it.
Needs a V8 throttle cable and kickdown linkage too, no? If planning on headers, might need to swap from column to floor shift.. Or at least jerry-rig it for now
The 6 cylinder throttle cable will work, it just needs a little mod. I've seen it done on one of Wilburs cars
Mine used to have the 6 cyl throttle cable too so I know that can work, but you may have a point on that kickdown rod. Easily remedied with the Lokar cable kit though.
If your coming to Florida , I have V8 frame stands Double hump trans mount and the belly bar... $175 for all... I'm in Ocala,Fl.
ok so far we got steel frame stands for mounts,mounts,kickdown arm,belly bar(not a must),floor shifter,possible radiator. anything else anyone can think of and does anyone have a pic of the belly bar and can it be installed later or does it need to be put in when the engine is put in? thanks again....matt
I drove mine for a few hundred miles with the belly bar in the trunk. The car stayed in one piece. +1 for lokar cable for kickdown. Was a pretty easy setup
wow prices for belly bar and crossmember are all over the place! $30.00 to $150.00 do you have a link to lokar cable kickdown? thanks
http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=68127&highlight=lokar+kickdown There's a link with some good banter on whether you need it or not and a part number. Double check on the part number just to be safe. I got mine at a regular auto parts store..