I think he already makes the spoilers. But as long as you're thinking decklid you may ad well think fenders and doors! If you're going to dream, dream BIG!
yeah.. wasn;t sure and too lazy to look before posting. and you know what they say. If you can't pay to have it done for you.. then sometimes you just have to get off your ass and do it yourself.
I'd have to second on this idea. Even though I have one of his carbon fiber hoods already, seeing one offered with a red tint to go with my dark red paint job would be killer and may spike me to buy another! Is it tough to change out the press with a different material?
Probably pretty labor intensive and then he'd have to buy different materials which would increase his overhead and the price of the hoods. I've already seen him complain that he has a tough sell at the price they are at. I want to point out I would pay up to $800 + shipping for a carbon fiber Comet hood. edit- I would be willing to pay $1000 dollars for a carbon fiber Comet GT hood.
What do you think about just raising the center section or body line of the stock hood? It would look similar to a cowl hood, give additional under hood clearance, but would retain the OE look.
Every time he posts a new product, someone comes up with an idea for something a little different, then everyone else seems to want that instead.. Last time the discussion turned into taller spoilers...