Hey guys, I'm currently looking into owning a 73' Maverick this guy in my hometown is trying to get off his property. It's in need of some serious TLC, having sat in the middle of nowhere for over the last decade. I'm really interested in trying to restore her back and hear her roar once again. My only concern is this is is going to be my most expansive resotoration project yet. Here are the pictures of the old gal. She's missing an engine (I plan on fitting her with a 302 V8), and from what the owner tells me, the interior is shot as well, not to mention that I'll be paying about $700-800 to ship it to my place out in the east coast. Now here's a question to all you veterens out there. Realistically speaking, is this something that can be brought back from the brink of death? Or is she a lost cause with too much damage? Im trying to determine if I'm looking at my newest obsession or a money pit thats not worth the effort. Please tell me what you think.
from Northeast Pennsylvania It doesn't look bad from the photos but we don't see much detail of the frame rails, floor boards or under the car. One of the worst spot is usually the cowls. Floor rot is usually due to this problem. The usual suggestion is to pour a gallon of water into the cowl vents just in front of the windshield and see if the water comes out from under the dash through a rotted cowl or from the normal drains that let the water come out at the back of the front fenders. That is the biggest hidden problem. Other than that a good visual of under the car helps. A lot of times something that "doesn't look too bad" quickly becomes just another parts car
Where are you located? If I was looking for a project I would seriously look at this one for sale here. Not mine, just my opinion. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=90397
dont do it! for the money youre going to spend JUST to get it to your house you can buy a complete car. if your estimate is 7-800 you can count on it being $1000 JUST TO SHIP IT! Ive bought 3 comets for $500 or less $375 complete running 302 and registered $375 complete and running 250 (6) non op $500 running 302 but had a bad transmission no interior and tons of back fees didnt really think this one through but its my baby and it in good shape over all shes got another year before she drops out of the system at dmv they are out there just be patient and keep looking a good one will come up. definitely look close to home. the tan car I bought less than two miles from home the brown car I drove 4 hours north to pickup and the blue one was around an hour away south so look in different cities and make sure you can drive to see it without losing too much money if you decide its not for you. I set a $100 limit for gas round trip so if it doesnt work out Im not out a ton of money
it doesn't look too bad from the photos. I see some surface rust but that isn't too big of a problem but i don't know if there is any hidden cancer. I had a camaro that was rusted through the floor pans but i didnt realize it till after i bought it
The answer is yes to both questions. The Maverick IS your new obsession and this one IS a money pit! This Mav has been posted on my local c/l for quite some time. I wouldn't mess with it unless it were free (and I'm local). For the time and money you would have in this project, you could find one closer and more complete for less.
i am sure by now you have the general idea. i am sure you can find a better one closer to you found my first 2 5 miles ( yellow one ) down the road for 500 for the pair and my third for 600 delivered from about 50 miles away. (brown one sorry brown one won't load look in my gallery its there some where) the brown one ran and the yellow one only took a small amount to run but the frame was to damaged. oh yea welcome and have fun.
Depends on how much rust the car has, and how much the purchase price is. From the pics, it looks very restorable, but the pics don't tell the whole story. It obviously had a vinyl top, which is why the top has all that surface rust on it. Hopefully, the rust has not gone through. I definitely like '73s.
Yes....a money pit. Runaway as fast as you can. For more info: Fix THIS not THAT: http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=86787&highlight=fix
Take what the price is and add the shipping and look for some cars in that price range in your area. I think you'll find that there are nicer cars out there for the same money. Check ebay and also your local craigslist.
:Handshake I would say...pass. any car that comes with a...towing system...mounted to the car, will be problems...
to the forums...and i wholeheartedly agree with all of the others... you'll certainly be better off finding one closer, and hopefully, with much less probs...just sayin'...