I saw this film the other night called corvette summer. It had luke skywalker in it. Think it was made around '78, about this kid who's customised 'vette was stolen and he sets out to find it. Anyway, theres a scene in a used car lot with a silver corvette i think it was. You can see the back of a mav right behind it. looks to be a '72 or '73. Good film too. Funny seeing mark hamill in it.
There were 4 Corvettes used for that movie, all customized by 'Korky's Kustoms'. two were used for the car when it was red, and the other two for when it was repainted gold by the bad guys. Only two were made originally, but both were stolen during filming! How's that for ironic? Anyway, two more were quickly made, and the original two were eventually recovered. After filming was complete, the cars were sold at a public auction, and one of my neighborrs ended up with one of the gold ones. The customizing on this car was, to be kind...quick and dirty. Not a durable job at all. He drove it around for a summer, then sold it. The gold color was pretty ugly, especially wth all the red flame pinstripes on it. The red with gold stripes car was much better looking. Oh, by the way...I loved that movie!