sounds like you need to try and change the law... some people think if they move to the country they can do as they please...not in my county.
ok Im a junk hoarder BUT I live in the middle of the city a mile from city hall and the police dept. I have had the code enforcement called on me a couple of times and I even got a fine once for a couple of window ac units being on the ground UNDER my flat bed trailer but my next door neighbor slipped and said they called. I told them they BETTER STOP calling on me and I have never heard from code enforcement since. now before people get all bent and say I shouldnt threaten my neighbor well,....maybe not BUT it worked they now keep there eyes on there property and not mine. I try to keep it cleaned up out front just so I dont have a problem. but now I know who called and who to go talk to if I hear from code enforcement again and they know it. there has been a time that me and sheriffs dept went a few rounds about parking tickets. I got 3 parking tickets in one day. and a few move it or lose it violations. they figured out Im not scared and Im not going to just let them ticket me all the time. Im well within my rights as long as my vehicles are registered and appears to be operable they gave my truck a 72 hour notice to move it or lose it when it was my daily driver. they said it was abandoned directly across the street from my house. and the kicker was that it was registered to my address. all I did was clean the windows and sweep out the back of the truck. I didnt move it an inch for a week. they either never came back or figured out that they cant harass me for nothing. a few weeks later someone called on my old jeep because it had a low tire (it had a slow leak that went low every 3 or 4 days) all I did after they came out and gave me a move it or lose it ticket was I too the tire off and went and got it fixed then put it back on. I never moved the jeep. I never heard anymore about it. people just need to mind there own. worry about you and not everyone else! if you must worry about there property and have a problem go try and talk to your neighbor dont just go calling code enforcement. I wont be one to call on the neighbor for anything unless whatever they do comes into my space or affects my way of life.
That's what I'm talking about! Not everyone's definition of "junk" is the same, and I don't give a rat's @$$ if someone "doesn't want to look at" my Maverick, or my '69 Dodge Superbee that is in serious need of a paint-job. Some people need to realize that life isn't "all about them". Now I am not defending people who have 14 parts-cars all around their property, along with an old refrigerator on the front porch and an old bathtub on the front lawn. Let's be reasonable and balanced here.
If that had been my property across the street, it would have been moved without calling anyone... being it's in...Rancho Cordova Ca...not a problem...
been there Well Just My two cents I live in farming country and I love old cars/trucks had my 51 ford truck since I was 17......stuff kinda piled up, not bad stuff no appliances or scrap just vintage tin.You know working to much. Then one day My neighbor and I met at the mail box as I turned from the sun glare.....the line of cherry old trucks and sixties rides brought a tear to my eye and at that moment I turned to him and thanked him for being such a great neighbor to put up with that eyesore and promised I would get it cleaned up, he just grinned and said, thank you. your welcome over anytime. I now make regular stops over to see just what my neighbor has to look at. A true story and Ive been "clean" for 5 years now.
i lived in a small town called amelia in oh. the lady came onto my property took a cover off my car that was on a car carrier took pics, put the car cover back on and sent me a ticket for a non liscensed car! it got thrown out of court but i had to go to court and show them pics of my car previous to that day. COME ON!
Robert, the way i see it, you have four choices--Build a 10-12 foot high fence so your neighbors can't see over it, build a building over your entire property, or, clean up and get rid of everything outside, or, move to another place. There is a 5th choice, although not legal, kill the rat neighbors. Personally, I'd look for another place to live that didn't have such holes for neighbors, or find a large industrial building you could rent/buy and put everything there. It's obvious you will get nowhere with the govt officials. They have their silly minds made up, think they are better than you, and will not give an inch. They are bought and sold by the money folks, and regular working stiffs don't have a chance against them.
As you're experiencing, this is something that isn't going to be won without a legal battle. And that's why the war won't be fought. In these small townships and such, it always comes down to the official "interpreting" the law in their own twisted mind or just plainly not applying the rules to everyone the same. I've been in a similar situation with rocks around the end of my driveway culvert to prevent erosion. I got a letter from the township telling me I was in violation. Well, reading through the ordinances on mailboxes and driveways brought up nothing about rocks. It did mention that any driveway approach must be blacktop within 3 feet of the town road, no concrete until 3 feet in. Funny story, you wouldn't believe how many driveways were in direct violation of this, and continue to be made this way. I decided to bring this up, and in reality it was like throwing gasoline on a fire. It's not going to put it out. I didn't win, though I should have pressed the issue with an attorney. From a legal viewpoint I would be right, but at what cost to prove it. Not feasible. The bold areas are the key points. Firstly, it leaves the Junk Motor Vehicle definition entirely up to whoever the official is. It's very much open for interpretation. How do you define "economically practical" to make running? $2000 to a millionaire is nothing, but what to a person that only makes $20,000 a year? Then what is the vehicle worth when fixed, and what is the ratio of money to value? Bold point 2. If the vehicles are titled in your name, who is to say you aren't fixing them up? This seemingly allows that, but again, it's going to be the official that twists their interpretation, not a person on the internet just reading. Furthermore, let us say you are fixing all 8 vehicles up. I don't see any mention of any time limit for doing so. So we have even more room for different interpretations of "the law". If you could afford it, fight it. Too many personal freedoms are slipping away in situations just like this. It seems trivial to many, but this is your property and your possessions. Would I want to be your neighbor with 8 junk cars laying around? No. However, I think it should still be your right to utilize your property. Neighbor's don't like it? Move or build a fence. Would I ever keep 8 junk cars around? No, I'd strip the parts and junk the rest, or put projects inside a building. But, you should have the right to make up your own mind, and not have me nor anyone else force my ideas upon you. On a practical standpoint, maybe you'd want to consider thinning the herd to a few core projects. I've been contemplating this for some time. The amount of money and time to do so many different things just isn't there. And life gets shorter every day.
Maybe post up a picture of what this all looks like so we can get a better idea of what your neighbors/county is looking at.
Maybe you could get your property rezoned. It may lower your taxes too! Of course it could open a can of worms and make things worse!
that would definitely give us all (even scrappers like me) a clear pic of what youve got going on. I do agree with the idea of you SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO WHAT YOU WANT ON YOUR PROPERTY but we dont live in that world anymore. too many people want to tell you how to have your space but you cant tell them how to have there space. theres SO much of the youre invading my bubble by doing what youre doing over there on YOUR PROPERTY NOT MINE. people need to learn to mind there own business. and worry more about themselves rather than everyone else
^^ This ------------------------ I would do whatever needed to be done for now to make it go away. Neighbors don't mess with me anymore because I get payback.