I don't get along with rice boys (girls)

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by ricebasher302, Nov 18, 2004.

  1. Maverick73

    Maverick73 Senior Member

    May 18, 2004
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    '73 Maverick 2 Dr, '73 Maverick LDO 4 Dr, '73 Maverick 4 Dr Parts Car
    LOL Rick.:D
  2. Maverick73

    Maverick73 Senior Member

    May 18, 2004
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    '73 Maverick 2 Dr, '73 Maverick LDO 4 Dr, '73 Maverick 4 Dr Parts Car
    Well said T.L.
  3. Maverick Man

    Maverick Man The Original Maverick Man

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Two 1973 LDO Mavericks (one 4 Drag one 4 driving like Mad on the roads :) ) also have a 75 6cyl Stock! Ok, well sort of Stock :P
    issue taken.. you are probably right you might be right as far as the drag strips you go to however. i just say it like i see it. as far as the demos... actually from surveys we can done as well as subs for "import tittles" most of the circ comes form the southeast and north east and then the west.. you can think as it as a big happy face in the US.

    so they are around but maybe just not where you are.

    we actually do something just like the Hot Rod power tour just for that crowd... we drive about 3000 imports / compact cars right from MD to GA from FL to GA and TX to GA. and the reason why is that area is starved for events like that. so again they are around! and yes i must admit more the 1/2 of them are the kinds of cars you describe.. but like T.L. in his last post said it goes both ways. also as you guys know i do car shows all the time. and even some of the biggest domestic car shows out there don't even compare to the volume of crowds that these import cars shows pull! i mean mobs and mobs of people.. and most of them... youth between 15 and 22 years old! the kids you see are like the rareity even with people like my age... i'm a good example of that.

    and you probably are right about the kids with those types of cars to be more respectful, however i'd say wouldn't you think they are few and hard to find theses days no matter what they drive?

    as far as the internet fazing out magazines...good observation, however most of the stats we seen there the majority that are on the internet still read magazines. theres nothing like reading a magazine on the throne eh? :D remember when Hot Rod tried to do imports sections abuot 2 years ago? I had a big part of that to help them do that.. but you know what i told Mr. Friedbooger :p i told him and the publisher i didn't think it was a good idea. you think he watned to do it? nope, but the reason why they didn't was they wanted more youth to read the magazine due to low sub and newsstand. as we all know it didn't work because that youth market is so turned off by magazines and other such people not imbracing that market. so back to the drawing board.

    as far as the redneck statement i just wanna be clear on that one... that was my statement of it is how many of the "import market / youth rice burning" car owners would reply to someone who would bag on an import car, saying its crap and import sucks and so on.. again the stereotype of how someone you would reply to something that they are very proud of. that i hear all the time! so hope no one take offence to it.

    and riporter if you consider yourself one then i'd say i'm glad to know one just like you (y) :D

    i hope that clears some points up
  4. riporter

    riporter Member

    Oct 4, 2003
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    70 Maverick 2 dr. modified street cruiser, 72 Comet tube chassis drag car
    My oldest son Josh, took his Isuzu pickup and cut the back half of it off and built himself a ladder over chassis and and four link with coil overs, now when you look where the bed used to be there are these four huge batteries in there and the truck hops around like a jackrabbit on steroids...slammed and bagged I think he calls it.
    Now, while for the life of me it doesn't make sense, I have to applaud his ingenuity and ability to do something like that.
    I made a mistake stereotyping ALL kids that are into ricers and tuners as being punks,
    He's as good a kid as you'll ever meet....but I'm a little prejudice since I raised him.
  5. Jerilyn

    Jerilyn Member

    Mar 10, 2002
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    I would have to whole heartedly agree with most people on this board. There are those out on the street that think that their Honda, Mustang, enter any car here is the best thing on the road because they all come with loud exhausts, stickers/decals, and sometimes even hidious wings. However it can also be said that at least we all have one thing in common, we love our cars. Yeah these kids may not appreciate what they have but that can be said about almost anybody at some point in his/her life. My husband has a 77 280z that we have spent about 4 years fixing up and I hate to say it but for now it will spank me in the 1/4 (at least until I get my new gears) and it's not a turbo. The exhaust he has on his straight six sounds as good as the one on my v-8. Our skyline (from Japan) will run circles around many of the mustangs, camaros, etc. and still gets the groceries but he loves my car as much as his own and is always telling his import/domestic friends about it. Car lovers should stop the feuding, as some else said, arguing and rock throwing isn't going to make anyone change their mind not us, not them. So in the famous words of many an MTV star, Don't hate the player, hate the game. Maybe there can be a meeting of the minds, someday.
  6. daydreamer

    daydreamer Mavmenace

    Mar 3, 2004
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    1972 Ford Maverick

    Well here is my 03 worth. First terry Im lmao at Mosquito's on steriods. being a old fart , these ricers have never been in a (embarrased) L88 chevelle, or a 426 dart, 426 -35 ford coupewith a drive shaft only 12in long and on the ground more than in the correct location, 327 duce coupe, 351 powered hillman, or even a 302 sunbeam alpine. these are all BRUTE horsepower that puts you in the seat and unable to move. what about chopped tops or frenched antennas. they are the new crowd ( aka newer style cars) and we are theolder crowd( older style cars.) In my opinion there is nothing comparable to a daily street driven muscle car that holds up to that daily pounding. and yes I had my fingers in the building of all these and many more heart stoppers. you dont know the feeling of going sideways in a coupe at 45 mph when you stand on the gas. or in a street driven fiat topolino that pulls the wheels every day on the street with a blown small block. this was my hay day and now they are in theirs. but ya I like showing these ricers who's boss with my temporary stock 302 with gears. some just dont know what they are missing but one day they may come around and see our ways. until then we must keep the sport or hobby going by using a mixture of old with the new. we just can't embarrass them to often. HAHA. guess thats it for now and remember guys and gals, Be gentle when you spank them. LOL Ron:clap:
  7. PINKY

    PINKY .....John Ford.....

    Mar 10, 2002
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    1970 Ford Maverick
    hmmmm, makes me wonder if in the 70's when the 302 Maverick came out if there was talk in the Mucls Car World about how "that" is not a hotrod/muscle car and I wonder if there was talk of fear that this is what its going to become......just seems like what goes around comes around and history repeats itself......so often!

    But I like the little ricers.....very cool IMO.
  8. Maverick Man

    Maverick Man The Original Maverick Man

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Two 1973 LDO Mavericks (one 4 Drag one 4 driving like Mad on the roads :) ) also have a 75 6cyl Stock! Ok, well sort of Stock :P
    funny.. actually i have an old motor trend magazine from 1969 that compares and says the maverick is like a imported car and that is was basicly made to compeate with that market... hense it was in the same catagory. :eek:
  9. Maverick73

    Maverick73 Senior Member

    May 18, 2004
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    '73 Maverick 2 Dr, '73 Maverick LDO 4 Dr, '73 Maverick 4 Dr Parts Car
    How dare they!:mad: :D
  10. Dan Starnes

    Dan Starnes Original owner

    Mar 10, 2002
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    West Central IL
    Stallion, 72 Grabber, Sprint, 77 4dr Maverick
    I have come to the definate conclusion that there are many many clear thinking minds on this board. Best yet, we can agree to disagree and in the end respect each other. With a board of this size, that says volumes of the members.
  11. CornedBeef4.6L

    CornedBeef4.6L no longer here

    Apr 3, 2003
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    Dan gotta agree
  12. Wes

    Wes Maverick Police Dept.

    Mar 14, 2002
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    '76 Maverick Stallion '76 Maverick Metro Police K-9
    Ah, Dan.....the voice of reason. Love ya, dude!!

    I have three teenage sons (pity me, please). The oldest and middle are into imports, but the middle one has a deep love for American iron. We agree to disagree about our preferences, but this isn't a new phonomenon. If you 'old farts' like me remember, this is no different than the "My Mustang is faster than your 'Cuda" or "My Road Runner can beat the crap out of your Chevelle SS". It's just the names and makes of the cars have changed.

    I do agree that there are a percentage of 'ricers' that give the hobby of performance cars a bad name, but the same held true for a group of 'hot rodders' that were tagged as outlaws.

    We love lo-tech pure muscle. They love hi-tech performance and handling. Can any of our cars outhandle a Nissan Sentra SER? I drove an '05 and was increadably impressed.

    I wouldn't like to see Maverick owners ever tagged as elitists. We had to endure a lot of negatives from others in the past about our choice of cars. Don't lose sight of that.
  13. T.L.

    T.L. Banned

    Oct 5, 2002
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    '73 Maverick 2-door, V-8
    With the right modifications and the right amount of $$$, our cars can be made to handle with the best of them. Most of us spend our money on speed parts and restoration. The handling seems to be a lower priority...
  14. PINKY

    PINKY .....John Ford.....

    Mar 10, 2002
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    1970 Ford Maverick
    That is kind of what I was getting at.......it seems that in the hotrod world...."we" are kind of the stepchild or outcast.....now I know that our cars are becoming more accepted in the car community.....it just seems that since "we" have felt the talk/jokes/jabs about our particular taste in cars, that we would be a little more understanding/receptive of the little "tuners"........

    and I agree with Wes, O to often does a certain sector/group of people(car enthusiast) get a bad wrap/opinion of due to the actions of a few.... and we foget to look at the group as a whole and realize that there is good/bad every where.
    Great topic(y)
  15. rudyska

    rudyska Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    1972 Ford Maverick
    I love Hondas... but I can't stand the "pimped" out ones with the retarded wings and loud mufflers... and most of the time they are teenage punks driving em. :smash: They race them and wreck them... I see it happen all the time.:(

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