well we do know its aluminum.... and I personally think some of those big 3 radiators with those dumb plastic tanks are far worse.....
The consumer would hope and think so. Just like almost any company, make it cheap and sell it high. Just make it so it will last through the warranty period if any. Plastic tanks and aluminum cores.. that's pretty cheap. My personal opinion of these aftermarket aluminum radiators is that they are better looking to me but as for cooling? They do what a factory one will do.
some will report 20 degree difference between a...copper/brass... and an aluminum radiator. most of the time they are replacing a gunked up leaking copper/brass 2 row rad. for a 3 row aluminum one. not an even comparison... my 3 row copper/brass rad. is new... I have on order a 1" 2 row Champion aluminum radiator. not the same but I will see what, if any difference when I get it...
Mojo, it is an original V8 radiator out of a low mileage maverick. I'm not saying it has never been in the shop. But, it hasn't been in the last 10 years! Upon inspection it is difficult to determine if it has been repaired. I don't think it was ever re-cored! Maybe everyone has seen this but I think Dave B has been quoted on the last page of the newest HRM, the caption contest, with a picture of the maverick. Way to go!
Hate these. I have two cars with 20+ year old radiators and are working fine. The only ones I have seen have complete failures were the ones with the plastic tanks.
If anyone is interested, Champion 3 cores are "on sale" at ebay. Just bought one for $141 + $25 for FedEx delivery - same day shipping.
wow thats an excellent price you have a link? just looked couldnt find one from champion for less than 211.00
Here is the one I bought - $142 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=330844161576 Yes, it is a Mustang listing, but I have the 1969 water pump so I need the inlet and outlet on the passenger side.
After i started this post i ended up buying the EA339 for my maverick, I talked with Champion they recommend,ed this one. if you have a stock 302 you can use a CE339 the CE stands for "Champion Economy" the CC and the EA are for up to 800 hp. But the EA is Thinner because it has 2 1in cores insted of the 3 3/8 cores. I bought mine on ebay from Monster Radiator (highly recommend) for around $190.00 free shipping and i had it in 3 days. Now i did have to notch out the cross member on my 75 for the drain pet cock but other than that it fit perfectly. some guys say they did not have to do this but i think it depends on the year,not sure just a guess.