So I've started my winter projects on the Mav and one of them was changing out the old alternator to a new 100amp one. This is the one I have: This is looking like a one-wire alternator yet it says it's not (pics below). I've found a couple wiring diagrams floating around here on the boards and it's looking like I'm not able to use my old (replacing the wires with thicker gauge) wiring harness. So I'm pinging the knowledgeable folks here to see what can be made of this while I dig around some more wiring diagrams... Attached is a pic I found here that looks like how this is going to be wired up... Does it look like this is a 1-wire alternator or are there other wiring methods? Thanks
Regulator Style...External did they send you the correct one...I would think you would want an...internally regulated
The black one is the same as I have. Only one-wire going to the battery side of the solenoid is needed
It's supposed to be an external regulator. I was going to upgrade the external voltage regulator and stay with the 3-wire setup. I haven't dealt with alternators before so I can't really tell off the bat if it's a one-wire or three wire alternator right away. But upon looking at this one it's looking like a 1-wire and there may have been a swap. So that's what has me confused a little bit. I'll see what marking I can find on the alternator itself that might help identify it. Is there a way to tell if an alternator is internally regulated? Is it possible to have a 1-wire alternator that doesn't have an internal regulator? A question might come up on how to provide a voltage regulator to it. Is the alternator in the link like the one you have? Thanks all.
There's several alternators I found that used this mix design; Ford front and internals but a GM rear. Dunno why.
Alright. So sniffin around the manufacturer web site I found this <attached>. This install look legit?
I have a sml case, one wire 130 amp, it also has internal fan. As stated in a previous post, the one wire goes to the battery side of solenoid. I wud think all one wire are internally regulated. I have seen a lot of pro's & con's on the one wire, but, I like mine and wud not go back.
My bad. I didn't look at the number...just the picture. I have this one
Thanks Yea pretty close to the same thing. Interestingly enough I had that exact same one siting on a shelf but exchanged it for this one. Just decided to keep 3-wire if I could. They're a good looking unit.