Yup, so I'm working on removing components off the steering system and when I was working on the 'Floppy Death Device' (the steering control valve), the Ball Stud popped out from the dust shield. So the control valve is dangling below and the ball stud is attached to the pitman arm... how I'm going to get that off? Not sure yet. (blowout pic attached) Anywho... I was going to have this control valve rebuilt so everything would be taken apart at one point but was the forceful removal of the Ball Stud out of the socket enough to damage whatever parts inside to render this unit 'destroyed'? Thanks
A place like Rode's Restorations can rebuild your old unit, and will have the parts for whatever you broke.
You can find a rebuild kit online or replace the whole unit. I'll check on this for you . I found one on Rock auto's web site for 126.00 with a 40.00 core charge . Way cheapper then what I paid at Napa for mine.
Thanks. I picked up a rebuild kit and it has quite a few pieces in it, but not nearly all the parts as the exploded charts show. I figured that an experienced rebuilder would see and identify parts needed if the thing was hosed. I've got a couple places lined up to see about that. Just wanted to ping the boards here first to get an idea.
If you were trying to remove it with a pickle fork, you have probably destroyed the sleeve ( the sliding part ). I'd go with Craigs suggestion and let " Rode's Restorations " rebuild it for you.