I think we should all get a part of your winnings. So if you win a socket set, I need the 11 mm one. Lost mine a while back.
You know... I've been looking for one of those for years. LOL T-shirts, wall banner, bumper/window stickers, maybe a jacket... who knows. Grand discount on parts would be great. If there's a baby-t in it, it yours Scoop. I'll bring it to Austin in July for you. Eitherway, I'll get some schwag to bring down if I can. Thanks for the help guys but it looks like the Latin American Contingent came out in force over night to support this one. He doubled my "Likes" as well as the other leading contenders. My "Shares" move me into second place so maybe shares of shares will start to compound and put me back into a chance of winning. I agree. There are some very cool cars listed to vote on. That 53-54 whatever truck racer is easily one of my favorites.
It will be nice to see that car in person in July. Might light a fire under my butt to get my front-end swapped...
It'll be even more fun if we can find an autocross to run while we're at it. "Hey Doug... lets race!" Voting is still open on Facebook for 2 more days. We can catch them all sleeping thinking they have the contest wrapped up.
There are logistics to consider like parking lot space, insurance requirements to use the space, and setting up a course that is safe enough to meet those insurance requirements. It would be easier to find a group that already does it like MCG did in Somerset a couple years ago... cones aren't cheap either.
Liked and Shared. Good luck! That car looks awesome! It looks even better powering through those turns! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. You're doing what I've been trying to do for years. Keep up the great work!
finally got my vote in. He's put alot of blood, sweat, and $ into this car over the last few years and did almost al of it in his garage. I think if anyone deserves to win it's Chris. So please vote
ok so headed to like right now, what is in July, if it is towards the end or on the west coast then maybe I can squeeze in a visit
will have to see if I can get one of the cars down there then, will see the schedule is open when I get back from Afghanistan and Out the Navy,
Chris, I didn't know or hadn't seen the new wheels, freakin' cool. I can't vote as I don't do facebook but I did tell some friends so hopefully they will help out.