I'm having my dream garage built and was wondering if I was missing something important. So far the floor is heated (37ft by 27ft), 80gal ingersol rand compressor, 12ft wall 17 ft to the peak of the roof, loft over the 2 car port, fully insulated, plenty of lights, 8 foot garage doors, 250 volts, challenger 2 post lift (soon), security cameras, and internet. Any suggestion would be appreciated. I would rather change something now before its finished. Thank you.
Oh yeah there will be a bathroom and two sinks. The TV will come as well as a nice sound system but later this things is costing a fortune.
Skylights?...Nothing like natural light, oh, and probably a divorce lawyer, considering the amount of time that is going to be spent out there
..."Any suggestion would be appreciated"... exhaust fan...mans bathroom...counter space...ceiling fan...automatic towel dispenser...and you can't have too many lights or places to plug in stuff...welder plug on the outside...
Check this place out, they'll help you part with your hard earned cash! http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/
X2 thats for sure! And you will have great intentions of keeping it spotless and you can if you don't do any real work in it.