Hi all..I am finally going to get my act together this winter and put a T5z in my 72' Comet..I bought it with 3spd and floor shift [now had a T'loader 4spd] so I need an adaptor..Looking at Mustangs Unlimited the pic of the adaptor [$139.95] it looks like the trans will be rotated some, standard practice for bolt clearence? Any one use one? McCleod has one too for nearly twice the price! I also want to change fifth gear to an .82 [no lower than .73 or so] and I have seen cost variances there also...Where is the best place to buy? Quality wins over cost..Thanks..
Aren't the .82 gear sets just the factory gears for a 4cyl T5??? If so I'd think they are all the same...
This is the one I used. http://www.cjponyparts.com/product....ign=shopping&gclid=CJ7G2tuMrbQCFSemPAodWWwAxw It mounts the trans straight and is a perfect fit. What I did was use a late model roller type pilot and all was good.
Pretty sure the OD ratio is gonna depend on the number of teeth on the input shaft and cluster gear. Different ratios there will give a different OD ratio even though the same OD gearset is used...
Yeah you're no doubt correct, as 5th is driven from the rear of the cluster, so the only possible changes are the input & cluster($$$) or 5th drive and driven gears... I dunno if the 5th gear set is different from the V6/V8 versions, but the regular 4cyl gears are stump pullers(1st is 3.97 in most) compared to the T5Z...
Thanks! They got free shipping!! Even on the trans I want!! Did you make the trans mount crossmember? Going from memory but the 67-73 Mustang Crossmember looks like whats in my merc..
Yes, you guys are right, actual OD ratio depends on 1st gear ratio...One place I looked [Astrogear] tells that the 5th gear set of 55t/31t will make the 2.95 1st be 5th of .73 and 3.35 1st would be 5th of .83..The .73 would be alright.. Cost around $250.00 for set..D&D performance has several combos of 5th at about the same price but didn't see ratio variance listed..Liberty Gear has one set listed at .82 but I couldn't find for which first gear ratio or even if for "Z" trans and cost way more, I'll have to dig deeper..Thanks!
I have a in pieces 4cyl T-5 a buddy dropped off, I'll check tooth count on 5th but prob be after Christmas though..
I ordered trans and adaptor from CJP last friday at 4:30 pm and all was here Wednesday..I was impressed! 5th gears of 53/33 for a .80 [probably old Steeda] only the 53 is available..51/35 of .92 and 59/27 probably .68 are available...All these are fine tooth stock type gears, the .80 is still availble in HD course gears but I am afraid they will be noisy..At this point I'll probably go for the 55/31 for a .73.....
I am getting the .80 from 5speeds.com...I got the Counter gear support from them and is really nice peice..
Well I got the T5z in but to my surprise :confused: I can't get it high enough as the shifter tube hits the tunnel brace, even the main top cover is close on the right side?????? Anyone else have this problem? I really would hate to have to do tunnel surgery; I haven't read anywheres where the T5 installs have clearence issues, not for the Mavericks/comets or other similiar size cars, like mustangs or falcons......
ive installed 3 of these and every one required that support to be cut for clearance. thats the only place that needs to be cleared.
Ok, I didn't think there was going to be a magic solution, ..Just trimming up the brace to the floor is enough or does some of the floor itself have to move up? Just trying to figure if leave the trans in and trim around from up top till it fits and then build the tunnel back..