with all this time and effort and then having to repair the problem...I would look into a 302...JMO I wasn't aware you could send an engine to Jasper for rebuild...
I don't know about that either. We always were shipped one , then they came back for a core. Never had the paint chip off either. Makes you wonder.
Did you pull the plugs out an turn it over by hand to see how each push rod was ? Or just how they were stationary. I think you may have a sticking valve lifter. See how much play you have in the timing chain by moving the crank pully by hand to see how much movement you have. If they really rebuilt the motor ,you should have hardly any.
welcome aboard I have the same setup in my 77 first if you look at my pictures i have a shot of the timing plate and pulley it isn't a real close one but with the way i have it painted you can get a idea of were your marks should be. i can look to see if i have a closer one or go look tomorrow and let you know. if the rebuild is in question you may want to check if the rocker arm shaft isn't plugged with sludge before i rebuilt mine it was plugged solid and the # 1 pushrods looked like they had mohawks the groove was so deep.
Thanks for the advise to all. I'm going to head out into the garage and see what I can find out. Not sure how long I'll be out there though...it's in the mid teens out there.
Yep...it was to cold. So I put it off for another project. (Why the heater fan sounds like it working great but hardly any air is coming out). Found a huge mouse nest in the fresh air intake under the cowl and removed that. When it warms up I'll put all of your advice to work. Thanks!
take a wire brush and brush the rust off and out of the marks at TDC. shoot some flat black paint on the marks and then after it dries, take a piece of white chalk and chalk the marks...
The simplest fixes are always right under our noses. Great idea! I'll try it as soon as it warms up here in Northern Ohio.
Not yet. Garage isn't heated and it's freakin' cold. I'm starting to think Akron is really at the North Pole!
I know what you mean. I stayed in Minnesota when my brother passed away.I was greatfull for raidient floor heating.
How a mouse got under the cowl and built a HUGE nest in the fresh air intake front of the evaporator is beyond me. Heater now blow hot air instead of just sounding like it does. Next project will be the rattling front disk pads. I hope spring comes soon so I can go after the valve train noise, It's not bad, just annoying.