My 200 ci in my 71 mav is making a popping noise when I step on the gas sounds like its coming out the mufflers
It reads 55,XXX But it's way past that It started making that sound ever since I went up a hill last year. I was going 55-65mph then I started loosing speed(35-40mph) then why I pulled over it was ideling rough with a popping sound. When I got home I checked the spark plugs and the were all popped every single one. Ever since then the car hasn't ran the same
This is what it looked like
If it did jump time, you will need to replace the timing set. You might be able to adjust the distributor to get it back, but it will just happen again.
I'm going to get a timing set and a compression test kit like in an hour or two.. Do I turn the dizzy clockwise or counter clockwise.?
Im not sure. You should be using a timing light, then you can see which way you need to go. Its possible that you wont be able to turn it far enough. Someone elso on here can probably tell you more. But you have a repair to make. Checking the timing might tell you what that repair might be.
That first plug is burned/shattered do to preiginition, there well could be pieces of the plugs embedded in the pistons, or burned valves and/or burned pistons... A leakdown or at least a compression test is in order... Classic example of why a engine should not be run under a heavy load if it is spark knocking, was over heated or the iginition timing was too far advanced... I'm betting the head will probably need to be rebuilt...