Very Nice Maverick, Grabber351. BTW, What size wheels and tires you running? And do you have a close up of the wheel?
The wheels are 14X7 American Racing "Black mods" just a fairly cheap steel wheel. I don't think Amirican racing makes them anymore, but someone does. The tires are 215-70-14's rebranded coopers. Kinda dirty, just walked out to the garage and took the picture.
Thanks for the info and pic Grabber351, Nice wheels you said black mods do you mean you painted it black?
American Racing doesn't make them anymore but Cragar chrome and black at a good price too.
Your LDO looks great with the top and trim. It's like a Luxomod. Classy hipo. Kinda like the difference between a Mustang GT and Cougar XR7.
I voted to get rid of the top and moldings , before I read everyone elses responses.... But by the time I took into account some of the points that were made I`d like to CHANGE my vote at this time to : Keep the vinyl top and moldings . They are cool because they are different than what most cars have and set it apart from the crowd
I had the black ones years ago, and I love the look. No one makes them anymore, just the chrome ones, which Idon't really care for...