I have the center link and pitman arm for the conversion to manual steering, but as seems to be typical with this conversion, without the power steering pump the water pump pulley doesn't line up properly with the alternator. I've seen the March setups and they're just not within my budget, and I saw a suggestion on another thread that some late 60's/early 70's Mustangs have the correct pulley, however these vehicles aren't plentiful in any of the wrecking yards around here. Someone had suggested to me that it might be easier to find both pulleys (crank and water pump) for a 3-bolt harmonic damper and swap out my 4-bolt damper for a 3-bolt. Has anyone here successfully done this kind of swap, and if so how difficult would it be to find a 3-bolt damper that's compatible with my engine?
Problem with the 3 bolt is they are early 60's and chances are it will have to be rebuildt and thats not cheap. Try contacting a Mustang place like CJ Pony parts. The pullies are probably reproduced.
I used a setup like this one from a 80's crown vic, LTD, others and just cut the power steering pump and attaching bracket away and got a shorter belt. this picture is with the pump still there, I don't have a picture of the one I cut.
Thanks for the pic. Hard to tell, does that use a serpentine belt? Also looks like it requires relocating the alt to the driver's side?
C6AE-8509-A is a double pulley and the outer groove lines up perfect with the alt. and crank pulley, I'm using this one on my car now. C0DE-8509A is a single pulley but it would need to be shimmed out 1/8" + to line up. Both pulley are around 5 3/4" diameter, anything larger than 6" dia. will hit crank pulley (D00E-?) Hope this helps.