The big plastic walls/armrests for the backseats of my 76 mav.. How do i remove them and how should i fix them up?? Theyre all scratched up and rubbed off and id like to do some th ing to get them looking nicer! Maybe sanding then painting them??? But it's plastic... Any help??
If they are starting to flake, and you can scratch the plastic off them, time to find some replacements. Pull the backseat out, and you'll see all the screws that hold them in.
I just ripped mine out, and sprayed Krylon over them. They are still easily flaked off if you scratch them, but look much better than before.
Darn..was hoping i could fix it without replacing them. I have no clue where to find replacements where I'm at! They aren't available online either, are they?? Or i may try the Krylon, too!
Try a spot on them with fine steel wool. It will remove a lot of the oxidized surface and you can make a pattern by straight scrubbing or circular scrubbing. I did this to weathered plastic chairs and it worked great! After you're done you can either paint them or put something like Meguiar's or Armor All on them.
I did a set one time. I scrubbed all of the loose stuff off and painted them. They looked ok but I soon sold the car. No idea how they held up.
I like 'em!! ill sand/scrape them down and then paint them with that!! I'm planning on repainting all the interior, maybe pics when i finish!
Sorry to bring this thread back to life, but just wanted to share my experience with painting these plastic side cards. I didn't sand prep at all. Just a good cleaning, some adheasion promoter, then spray your color. The promoter is clear, and leaves a slightly shiny finish. I then sprayed 3 coats of rustoleum satin black. It's hard as a rock and doesn't flake out.
We had a guy come in with plastic pieces to a truck the texture of the panels was wore of prettybad we sanded all the parts with 180 sand paper then sprayed them with sem textured paint its available at any autobody supply store after the textured paint cured the painter then sprayed them with sem gray plastic paint I've got to say they looked brand new I'm gonna do that to mine but in black