does any one know who may makes headers for a 351 cleveland in a maverick? ive got a 351c and a 4 speed needing a place to go, so i got to thinking why not. headers my only prob so far . if not any for the 4 speed swap ill just convert to a cable setup and use the auto headers.thanks for any help.
are you still running uncut stock towers?.. will likely be the next question from others who run that combo around here. lol
yes they are cut .it is still tight i know. but i can live with that. kooks used to make them but i have no part numbers.
Tubular automotive makes them for 2bl or 4bl heads autokrafters sells them. Do a search. enter " 351c headers."
I used Tubular Automotive headers on my Cleveland's first configuation using stock Maverick suspension and towers. I bought them direct from T-A up in New England at the time. I had problems with the two rear tubes that cross under the pan to go into the oppisite collector. The tubes were bent wrondg and hit the side of the block before they would fit to the collector. I had no problems with my 4 speed install but never completed this swap in stock form. I'm not sure if there is any issues with clutch linkage or not.
thanks for info mav70,and mav. im hoping i can find them to go with the linkage but it looks awful tight. so the cable setup may be my best route
Another thing about my Tubular Header problem was, when I called Tubular direct, the owner sounded like he expected the problem - he told me that he is boxing up a few mandrel bends to send me which should help getting around my problem - then he told me that these headers were designed to fit a 64-65 Falcon and not really for a Maverick - I reminded him that his catalog had a specific header part number for a 70 to 77 Maverick which I had ordered and he repeated his caution once again The 2 rear tubes would not bolt up and seal flat to the port surfaces before they jammed into the block at the oil pan lip - I told him that had nothing to do with what chassis these were originally designed for since the headers wouldn't fit even if the engine was on an engine stand. Maybe it was just my batch and he knew those 2 tubes were over bent because I haven't heard of this problem anywhere else.