Pulleys I had a similar problem on my 71 Comet. I contacted the people at CVF Racing at (www.cvfracing.com) and they took care of me. Prices were very resonable to.
To be honest, about all I've done with this car is drive it up and down the driveway with no power steering (the belt is stretched). I've barely seen it in the daylight because it's dark when I get off so I snapped a few pics at lunch. There's an engine under all of this somewhere. Looks like the water pump and pulley have to be quite a bit longer to come close to aligning with the alt. Job one is to get rid of this.
I used the water pump pulley off of a 200 I6, with a set of those spacers that Summit and Jegs sell. It lined up with the middle pulley on the stock crank pulley and the alternator. I bought one of those single chrome pulleys off of eBay for a SBF, but they won't work with the later balancer, they're too big in diameter and hit it.
I shimmed the alternator itself out instead of the pulley on the alt to get it lined up correctly with the water pump, slightly longer bolts and some extra washers. I've seen a lot of people advocate just running shorter belts rather than putting in more idler pulleys.
pulleys I have this set I will sell for $75.00 shipped Pm if you want them same as on my comet this is all you need.
You can buy the brackets anywhere in chrome (Summit Racing, then paint em black) the pulleys can be used from any 70's 351W, M or Cleveland. I used a set off one of these and machined the outer two sheeves off the crank pulley to make a single sheeve pulley. I don't recall the application of this pulley, but it's construction made it easy to machine the outer two off it. I made the alternator bracket out of 3/8" thick aluminum plate. I have since replaced the steel pulleys with aluminum ones bought aff ebay.