blower Very close, in fact I had to go to a 1/2" carb spacer and even with the low profile breather, it barely fits inder the scoop. Someone, sells a dropdown style breather, can't remember who, that would increase the clearence, but I doubt the hood would clear .. The Comet scoop sits a bit higher I believe.
you'll need a boost referenced carburetor. holley actually sells them for this set up. also if you notice all these guys running with near stock hoods have really small air cleaners. that is probably why they clear. guess you can do it but my personal preference is not to run tiny air cleaners. kinda defeats the whole purpose of sucking air though some small paper element if you ask me. but whatever works and whatever people feel works best for them. i have a full 3 inch drop base K&N cleaner on mine. also it does stick higher too since i have a 1 inch N20 spacer on it as well. the setup has changed since with a HEI looking mechanical distributor, plan valve covers (what's ford done for me lately?) and a smaller pulley for some more boost! however overall this photo looks basically the same.