I just bought a 4-door 1972 ford maverick and i locked the doors but now 3 of them wont open help please
sounds like a latch problem of some sort but its weird that three doors at teh same time give you the same problem. maybe just rusty latches? take the door panels off and try lubing the day lights out of everything
I've had stuck latches before and just sit in the seat, pull your inside door handle and, like Frank mentioned, just give it a arm/shoulder shot. I've just never had 3 doors stuck at the same time
I have had a few stick.Roll down the window and you can get a better shot with a lube can w a tube on it.Spray the latch and give it an hour or so to work on it.Normally opens right up.If the shoulder thing doesnt work maybe this will help.All else fails,i have been known to use a torch and even my tractor.Have been able to use a rod a push the release on the latch to open them.I have 9 4 drs i am about to get out of here.Hopefully i wont run in to this.
It could be if both are on the same side, or both are rear doors! I like the soak the latches in penetrating oil approach. Roll the windows down, take a piece of small hose if needed, and spray the heck out of the latches a few times and let it soak in. I prefer PB Blaster myself, but use what you like.
My 74 2door had this same problem with the driver side door. I just smash the lock down, and rip it back up HARD. Probably gonna take a couple tries but once opened I pulled the panel off and took the latch assembly out, if I remember correctly lock mechanism itself was warped and the rod from the lock knob would slip past it. I just hammered it kind of back to shape and greased it up. Now if it happens again (which is VERY rare, when the door gets slammed) I just turn the key real hard. It sucks, but it works.