its funny how we end up with these cars great stories guys. I would like to hear every ones story. every car has a story
I had never seen one till about 18 months ago when mine turned up on Ebay, I liked the look even though it was rusty as hell. I thought I had the only one in the UK till I got an email from a guy quite close to me to has an identical looking one (yellow as mine was) in a worse state than mine. Its great to be different and have a car that really turns heads where ever you go
Mine got rescued on the way to the junkyard! I had stopped to get gas and in pulls a wrecker with the Maverick. I found out from him that the car was part of an estate sale and no one wanted it so the owners called to have it towed away! I bought the car from the wrecker driver right then and he towed it the next two miles to my house! I can't believe that no one bought the car at the sale! It had a clean title too! I know they didn't ask too much for it if they were just going to sell it for scrap!
I always liked the idea of a small lightweight V8 powered car. The lines appealed to me as well. I found mine at a car show with a price that couldn't be beat, and it came with a parts car!
I always liked the Mavericks and it was something you rarely see anymore. A Mustang fastback and Challenger were top choices but more then I was willing to spend for a toy.
"what made you buy your comet or maverick?"......I'm pretty sure it was that little red guy, the one with the horns, sitting on my left shoulder ? the other one on the right kept saying no, but then some more little red guys appeared and next thing I know there was a scuffel,...anyhow the little red guys won out. so, I'm going with that
I got tired of newer cars and wanted something without smog. I put together a list of cars I was interested in. I was trying to decide between a $500 dollar 60s rambler and a 71 comet for $400. My wife wouldn't let me get the Nash (which she now regrets) so I got the Comet. Now I've got my Comet GT and the guy totally saw me coming unfortunately, he knew all the tricks for hiding whats wrong with the car...
AFter restoringa '68 Beetle for a car-related charity, I decided I needed a restored classic for myself. Wanted something different. Looked at a '46 Hudson pickup, a 1920s Packard, a 196X Caddy and some others but none seemed quite right. Then I remembered an old Ford of some kind with decals on the rear quarters that had been parked in a friend's yard for many years. Looked on the Internet and discovered it was a Maverick Sprint. Mechanically it is a lot like a '66 Mustang convert I had previously owned. The more I looked at it the more I liked the body lines -- even better than the Mustang. And, being a Sprint it was different squared. Decided it would make an interesting little hot rod and got it. Two years and too much money later it hit the road for the first time in 20+ years. Its been great fun and it couldn't have been done without info and parts from guys.
It was the right price at the time I needed a car to drive. Found out , it was cheaper then most cars to work on.
It was only fifty bucks and drove fine, how could I pass that up? 25 years later and I just bought anthother! Love em!
The short version, my brother had one in high school that my Dad, brother and I fixed up. My brother drove the car all the way through high school until he went into the Marine Corp. I sort of inherited the car and drove it all the way through high school until I went into the Marine Corp. I have allot of fond memories of family and good friends with the Maverick. Since then, I’ve had a few cars (I’m kinda car crazy that way) and always thought someday I’d buy another one. About a year ago I found a one owner car that I couldn’t pass up, I’ve been driving it daily and loving every minute of it.
My folk's first car as a couple was a new Mav in 1970...which is now slumbering in my garage along with three other mavs. It's in the blood, what can I say.
I've been looking for something different for years. My first car was a 1973 Gremlin X. I thought it was cool until my step dad bought a Comet GT. Flash forward (many years) and I found a 1977 Maverick on craigslist. I love it. There isn't anything on it that will break the bank to fix. It's easy to work on, fun to drive and people are always commenting and smiling about it at every stop.