Hi All. Been to the forums a bit in the past few months, but a few weeks ago i finally got a car. 1970 Maverick with the 200. Ultimately It is going to be a 302 with a T5, but for now i am just stoked to have the car. Im glad to be a part of the community and i am sure all the Info will be extremely helpful.
Finally got the Car going this Past weekend. I had to have the Tank repaired and sealed and replace the starter solenoid. Drove it the whole Long weekend and had a blast. Gonna keep doing that until i have the Extra Funds to do the 302 Swap. I was just really stoked to be out and enjoying the Car!
great youre enjoying your car, thats what everyone on here is doing, no matter what engine or if it is running or building... enjoy the planning and upgrading and keep dreaming on what more to do with it. from mexico