hi everyone, i recently completed replacing the engine in my maverick from a 250 straight 6 to a 351w and now im moving on to the rearend.... i have the original rearend still hooked up but i have a four door 73 maverick with a 302 in it and was wondering if the rearends are the same, i really want posy and when i was younger i thought that the 73 had posi but now im not so sure.... if there is no change then im not gunna waiste the time to tear it out but if i dont have to spend any money that would be great too ..... if anyone can let me know that would be awesome!
The rearends are the same in the 73 and the 76. No Maverick ever came with a posi rear from the factory.
alright sweet thanks for letting me know! the last time i drove that car i was 13 and im 20 now so i couldnt remember but i figured thats the way they came!
well i have been reading up on mustang II rearends and they have posi and some even 3.55 gears in them.... the nice thing is that you dont have to replace the whole rear end all you have to do is replace the guts since they are still 8 in rear ends.... and you also dont have to replace the shafts either because they can handle 550 hp no problem..... and mustange II guts arent that expensive as far as ive seen
A very low percent of the Mustang II's came with a TRACTION-LOCK rear end. No Ford ever came with a POSI...but a lot of GM's did.
i mustve been looking at aftermarket parts.... i also was asking one of my buddies who is a major ford enthusiast and i think he wasnt looking at factory rearends either my bad!
You can buy a Traction-Lok limited slip differential from Currie Enterprises for around $1100 with shipping. There's another company called "Just Rearends".
is there a thread in here on what we would have to do to put a 80's LIMITED SLIP lol rearend in our cars?