good to see another comet brought back from the brink of death. the 302 IS more than enough for someone not trying to race there car. its got LOTS of get up and go and most importantly they like to do BIG BURN OUTS I wouldve snatched that car up for that price as well. good deal in any part of the country for a running driving comet. heck even if I wasnt looking for a comet I wouldve bought that one just to drive it around until it broke down which would be NEVER I would wreck it before it broke down on me
Thanks everyone I appreciate the help and welcomes to the board! Maverocket I should be up in that area when the weather turns a bit nicer, I will touch bases with you when I do . Supermav I appreciate the help with the car and hope your ailments pass soon! I will be in your area on Tuesday so we will for sure meet up!