The stub thing the door latches on to.. I can't get the damn things off .. They have the 2 large Phillip screws.. Is there a big secret here or are they just frozen in place or something
Lol so many good experiences with it you guys got and all excited. everything with this car seems to be a fight. Hopefully heat & impact does it and I don't roast any of my primer too bad
I've always called that thing a NADER PIN, after Ralph Nader - but it's real name is a striker pin. Can I ask, why do you need it off? Unless there is damage to repair on that part of the car, I have always just worked around it. They are a PITA to get off. As others said, torch, impact driver, much swearing ............
Sears has them, I bought one yesterday. It was about $25 and worked great. Or you can try a 3/8 drive with #4 Phillips head
Wanted it off so I can paint under it and not have it body color..then getall chipped and look terrible
What I have done lately is paint them with Eastwood Cadmium paint for a natural look. Then mask them off to spray the body color. Looks great and way less trouble. Not saying you shouldn't take it off to do the painting. But if you can't get it off don't sweat it - you can still make it look nice. Here is a pic of one I just did. Looks a bit blue from the florescent light in the shop but it is silver cad.
I tried all kinds of tricks to get mine off to the point of rounding out the Phillips slots in the countersunk screws. I hit them so hard with my impact driver, I thought I was going to dent the door frame. Since I purchased a new repro set, which came with new screws , I took a more final approach. I took a really big drill bit, put it in my 1/2 inch drill, and drilled the entire head off the screws - the strikers came right off and then the threaded part of the screw comes right out with a pair of vise grips. I cleaned up the metal underneath and put the new ones on
thanks everyone..i just cant get it off and started to really mangle the screws..i think ill just sand real nice around it and mask it but i have to stop before i screw it up to bad.