Hey all...I've taken way till many years to assemble my mav that the out of biz shop left me with... I've come to the conclusion that I can't put it together without some sort of assembly manual..as there isn't a screw in the body and I have a mountain of parts...anyone able to help?
There is only one "factory" assembly manual known to exist...but Jeff on here has most of the parts assemblies listed on his website, and I don't know how to link that from my iPad...and then whatever you can't get there, we'll help you get it back together !
Just search EBay or Amazon for the shop manuals, I believe there are 5 volumes. They are readily available and not too expensive. Somebody here might even have extras, post in the wanted section.
As-in only one copy?? Please fill me in. I figured there'd be more around. I see Mustang ones all the time on the 'net. And, yes to the OP, we will help you with whatever measurements/pictures you may need.
Thx...I really don't wanna spend two grand on a parts car simply for screws...as I have nearly everything..just in a gigantic pile ..suppose I'll start at one corner and work my way forward..when this starts there will be lots of posts..just finishing my 66 coupe build now
Try this for starters........... http://1bad6t.com/Maverick/repair/repair_index.html should be some info you can use there.
Those Mustang assembly books are just pages copied from the Ford shop manual's. Ford never published just "assembly manuals" as far as I know.
I have the assembly line manual ... not every volume though .. do have the body manual. Has stuff like this in it ... I think I have the 1970 Interior manual ... don't remember exactly.
The exploded view has the part number, then search this catalog for the fasteners http://www.amkproducts.com/Catalog_PDF.htm