hi. i have a 1973 maverick with factory power steering. while driving if i turn more than a little to the left it jerks all the way to the left. anyone have any ideas as to cause? the alignment checs right with a tape measure.
P.S. controll valve may be on its way out. Are all the front end parts tight?? Controll arm bushings (Upper arm) can make it dart to one side or the other...
Yep, control Valve. If you are going that far, change everything while you are at it. Makes it easier!
No...But a manual centerlink and pitman arm for a maverick will. Only other part you may need will be an adler arm. Tie rods will switch over just fine.
ok went to the junkyard today. no mavericks but there is a comet gt. will the steering parts from it work?
you could pull the control valve off and replace it with one of these power to manual steering adapters.... they are a little pricey IMO. http://www.autokrafters.com/c-860-adapter.aspx
Yes, but power steer is different than manual steer when it comes to centerlink and pitman arm. You can't mix the parts together, got to use manual parts for manual steering and power steering parts for power steering. The idler arm will swap with either steering as long as you stay with the year as the centerlink
If you were happy with the power steering, prior to this issue, why not just get a kit and rebuild the control valve? No special tools required and no more money or time involved than any of the other solutions.