I have 2 mavericks my first one is a 72 with the 200 six and automatic tranny the second one is a little more special it is a 71 with grabber interior and a 302 with a floor shift automatic the 71 is one of 2 that came out that year with non factory paint,it's original color is plumb crazy purple(a dodge color on a ford how strange) ford is sending me the build sheet on in the next few days as far as I know the other purple maverick was turned into a drag car making mine the only one of it's kind. Unfortunately one of the last owners started parting it out I need to get new bucket seats cause now it has a bench seat and the driver's side marker lights are gone but that's no big deal for the most part she's all there. It only took me an hour to get it running again.I was wondering if anyone else has herd of these 2 rare mavericks?
I know this is bumping a LONG dead post... but I just came across this and wanted to clear something up. I am the last owner of the Purpler Mav (see my previous posts for all it's info), and I traded it to Allen in hopes it would be better taken care of (at the time, I wasn't able to afford to do any work to it, and it's rust wasn't getting any better on it's own). So, the two Oregon Purple mav's are in fact one in the same. So, How did I find this? I was on a sudden quest to see if I could find the new owner and maybe buy my Maverick back. One could hope.... I sure miss that old thing, and finding a replacement Maverick with that much character is unlikely.